Explore a diverse selection of top-notch products at Professor Plums. Browse through our extensive catalog to discover ideal solutions tailored to your requirements. Enjoy premium quality and unbeatable value when you shop with us.
- Australian Backyard Earth Scientist
- Australian Backyard Astronomy Book
- Little Red Yellow
- Universe Ponderables
- Philosophy ponderable
- Ponderables The Brain Tom Jackson
- Engineering Ponderables
- The Ultimate Book of Optical Illusion
- The Ultimate Guide To Your Microscope
- Little Giant Book Optical Illusions
- Speed Solving the Cube
- Look & See Let's Count
- ABC Book Dinosaurs
- Physics Book
- Space Book
- Psychology Book
- The Medical Book
- Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species Illustrated Edition
- Jules Verne: 7 Novels
- Robin Hood
- The Arabian Nights
- Grimms Complete Fairy Tales
- Penny Dreadfuls Sensational Tales of Terror
- The Little Mermaid & other Fairy Tales
- The Complete Sherlock Holmes
- Grays Anatomy Henry Gray P.R.S
- Look & See What Sound Do You Make?
- Chemistry Book
- Our Solar System
- Why everything you know is WRONG!
- Weird Dinosaurs
- Dingo's Tree
- ABC Book Dreaming By Warren Brim
- On the way to Nana's
- Return of The Dinosaurs
- My Lost Mob
- Bizerk Kinetic Rings
- Colour Changing Graphite Pencils
- Beer & Bread Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Black Death Yersinia pestis
- Bone Cell Osteocyte
- Bookworm Anobium punctatum
- Brain Cell Neuron
- Graduation Brain Cell Neuron with Academic Cap
- Sick Day Gift Box Gift Box
- Breast Cancer Malignant neoplasm
- Blood Cells Gift Box
- Body Cells Gift Box
- Organ Cells Gift Box
- Cancer Malignant neoplasm
- Plagues from History Gift Box
- Coeliac Disease
- Chickenpox Varicella Zoster virus
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Clap Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Common Cold Rhinovirus
- Cough Bordetella pertussis
- Crab Louse Pthirus pubis
- Diarrhea Campylobacter jejuni
- DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
- E. coli Escherichia coli
- Ebola Virus
- Egg Cell Human ovum
- Fat Cell Adipocyte
- Flu Orthomyxovirus
- Giardia lamblia
- Hay Fever Grass pollen
- XL Heart Organ With Minis
- Heart Cell Cardiomyocyte
- Hepatitis Hepatitis virus
- Herpes Simplex Virus 2
- HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HPV Human papillomavirus
- Kissing Disease Epstein-Barr
- Liver Cell Hepatocyte
- Measles Morbillivirus
- MRSA Multiple Resistant staphylococcus aureus
- Muscle Cell Myocyte
- Nerve Cell Neuron
- Norovirus
- Giant Microbes Plush Paramecium Caudatum
- Penicillin Penicillium chrysogenum
- Plasma Blood Plasma
- Platelet Thrombocyte
- Pox Syphilis Treponema pallidum
- Rabies Rabies Virus
- Red Blood Cell Erythrocyte
- Smallpox Variola virus
- Sperm Cell Spermatozoon
- Staph Staphylococcus aureus
- Stem Cell Hematopoietic stem cell
- Escherichia virus T4 Bacteriophage
- TB Tuberculosis
- Trichomoniasis Trichomonas vaginalis
- Trilobite Asaphiscus wheeleri
- Tardigrade Waterbear Hypsibius dujardini
- White Blood Cell Leukocyte
- Zombie Virus Pithovirus sibericum
- Sore Throat Streptococcus
- Antibody Immunoglobulin
- Super Sick Day Gift Box
- Let's Get It On Gift Box
- Exotic Vacation Gift Box
- Tainted Love Gift Box
- Dinosaur Wood Kit Small Parasaurolophus
- Clip Circuit Airboat Electronic Boat Kit
- Clip Circuit Helica Electronic Car Kit
- Dinosaur Wood Kit Small Pteranodon
- Clip Circuit Electrolab 80 Electronic Experiments Kit
- Dinosaur Wood Kit Small Tyrannosaurus
- Stegosaurus Dinosaur Wood Kit Small
- Clip Circuit Advanced Lab 180 Electronic Experiments Kit
- Dinosaur Wood Kit Large Pteranodon
- Dinosaur Wood Kit Small Velociraptor
- Clip Circuit Intelligent Rover Programmable Electronic Vehicle Kit
- Polymer Snow Test Tube Science Experiments
- Growing Crystals Test Tube Experiment
- Viscoelastic Slime Test Tube Science Experiment
- Ferromagnetic Fluid DIY Ferro Fluid Experiment
- Phosphorescent Powder Glow in the Dark Experiments
- Plasma Ball Tesla's Lamp
- Tesla's Lamp USB Powered
- Wheeler's Lamp Optic Fibre Lamp
- Moon Lamp Lunar Night Light
- Wind Walker DIY Walking Machine
- Tyrannosaurus Palaeontology Kit
- Triceratops Palaeontology Kit
- Stegosaurus Palaeontology Kit
- Wood Kit Solar Car
- Wood Kit Lemon Clock
- NASA Logo Mug
- Stethoscope Home and Medical
- Caffeine Molecule Mug
- Pi Mug From Heebie Jeebies
- Periodic Table Mug
- Periodic Table Of Elements Shirt Size Small
- Caffeine Molecule Shirt Size Small
- Flying Wing Prop Top Spin and Fly Toy
- Binoculars Compact 10x25mm
- Sherlock Magnifier Metal Magnifying Glass 75mm
- Field Magnifier Mini Pocket Magnifier
- HandiScope Hand Microscope Heebie Jeebies
- Stainless Steel Compass
- Discovery Microscope Starter Kit
- Construct A Clock Build your own Clock Kit
- Air Glider 48cm Foam Plane
- NASA Logo Shirt Size Small
- Earth Shirt Size Small
- Adult Moon Shirt Size Small
- Whirlpool Bottle Vortex Valve
- Jellyfish Diver Cartesian Experiment
- Gemstone Dig Mini Geology Kit
- Mini Fossil Dig Paleo Kit
- Glass Beaker Mug 350ml
- Squirmy Tropics Prepared Slides
- Chemistry Bar Science Kit
- Heebie Jeebies Eruptions and Explosions Science Kit
- Heebie Jeebies Bathroom Science Kit Fantasy Bath Bomb
- Blue Desk Globe 10cm
- Foucault's Pendulum Hanging Plastic Pendulum 38cm Heebie Jeebies
- Foucault's Pendulum Hanging Wooden Pendulum 55cm
- Foucault's Pendulum Hanging Metal Pendulum 40cm
- 22cm Crookes Radiometer Scientific Glass Display
- Fitzroy's Storm Glass Teardrop Shape
- Galileo Thermometer 28cm Heebie Jeebies
- Galileo Thermometer 44cm Heebie Jeebies
- Galileo Thermometer 56cm Heebie Jeebies
- Fitzroy's Storm Glass 28cm tall Heebie Jeebies
- Galileo Thermometer Hanging display 48cm Heebie Jeebies
- Galileo Thermometer Hanging display 57cm
- Galileo Thermometer Hanging display 71cm Heebie Jeebies
- Liquifly Water Powered Bottle Rocket Kids STEM Toy
- FizzRocket Bicarb powered Rocket Flies Over 5 meters!
- Mrs Greens Magic Beans
- Flower Press Small
- Flower Press Large
- Pot Head Grass Growing Head
- Grow your own Giant Sunflower
- Grow Your own Carnivorous Plant
- Giant Bubble Stix
- Quercetti Daisy Shape Sorter
- Quercetti Daisy Sorting Box
- Quercetti Filo Lace Art
- Quercetti Fanta Color Modular 4
- Quercetti Fanta Color Portable Small 6
- Quercetti Fanta Color Portable Small 5
- Quercetti Pallino Bead Game
- Quercetti Spirogiro Mandala Spiral Art
- Quercetti Fanta Color Basic 100pc
- Quercetti Fanta Color Basic 100pc
- Quercetti Georello Basic Gear Construction
- Quercetti Georello Jungle Gear Construction
- Quercetti Georello Park Gear Construction
- Quercetti Kaleido Gears 55 Pieces
- Quercetti Georello Tech
- Quercetti Pixel Refill Mix 142pc
- Quercetti Pixel Refill 200pc 10mm
- Quercetti Pixel Refill 140pc 15mm
- Quercetti Daisy Chunky Pegs Basic
- Quercetti Saxoflute DIY Music Maker
- Quercetti Saxoflute Super DIY Music Maker
- Quercetti Quack & Flap Duck
- Tubation Wheels
- Quercetti Fanta Color Junior Basic
- Quercetti Pixel Baby Pin Art
- Quercetti Magnetic Letters Upper Case Fridge Magnets
- Quercetti Magnetic Numbers Fridge Magnets
- Tecno Toolbox
- Qurcetti | Skyrail Welcome Kit
- Quercetti Roller Coaster Mini Rail Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Junior Basic Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Junior Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Basic Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Transparent Clear Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Double Spiral Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Super Marble Run
- Quercetti Migoga Maxi Giant Marble Run
- Quercetti Skyrail Suspension Basic Marble Run
- Quercetti Skyrail Race Marble Run
- Quercetti Skyrail Ottovolante Maxi Marble Run
- Hoppit Bounce seat
- Smart Brain French Cut Chess set
- Backgammon Classic Timber Board Game
- Three Kingdoms Sliding Puzzle Game
- Smart Brain Natural Wood Draughts Pieces
- Sunprint Refill Solar Art Refill
- 20 Minute Timer Woodkit
- Mechanical Theatre Woodkit
- Mechanical Flower Woodkit
- Papilio Ulysses Framed
- Framed Scorpion Heterometrus laoticus (Laos Forest Scorpion)
- Rhinoceros Beetle (Chalcosoma atlas) Framed
- Tarantula (Acanthoscurria) Framed
- Giraffe Stag-Beetle (Prosopocoilus Giraffa) Framed
- Eupholus Beetle Set of 4 Framed
- Morpho amathonte Butterfly Framed
- Papilio blumei Framed
- Daphnis Nerii (Oleander Hawk-Moth) Framed
- Ithomiinae Butterfly Framed Set of 12
- Encyclopaedia Prehistorica Dinosaur Pop Up Book Sabuda And Reinhart
- Slapzi 2-8 Players Card Slapping Game
- Mobi Maths Tile Game 1 to 6 Players
- French Country Tall Skinny Black Base Dome 20cm
- Fruit Me Miracle Berries 10pack
- HEXBUG Battle Ground Ring Racer 1 PK
- HEXBUG Battle Spider 2.0 Single
- HEXBUG Battlebots Arena
- HEXBUG BattleBots Rivals Tombstone and Witch Doctor
- Crystals Fire Aura (Titanium) Quartz
- Geodiscoveries Fossils Rough Trilobite