Heebie Jeebies
Heebie Jeebies educational toys Australia has everything a little budding scientist could need to further their development, from microscopes to dinosaurs, discovery toys to sensory slimes and putties. But they don't only deal in kids toys, they also have a fantastic range of science themed apparel and home wares from Galileo thermometers to periodic table Shirts.
Heebie Jeebies Toys cover a wide variety of science related items with puzzles, world globes, bug jars, space telescopes, geeky mugs and Tesla lamps, these cool gadgets and DIY kits are a fun and interactive way to teach kids and adults about science.
Tesla's Lamp USB Powered
Heebie JeebiesThis iconic scientific lamp was originally created by Nikola Tesla in 1894, following his experiments with high voltage currents. The plasma ball d...
View full detailsTouch a Bubbles
Heebie JeebiesTake bubble blowing to the next level with these bubbles that won’t pop when you touch them!
Pocket Scope Mini Microscope
Heebie JeebiesThe Pocket Scope is a handy, lightweight magnification tool designed for portability and convenience. It is available in three different colours, a...
View full detailsMoon Lamp Lunar Night Light
Heebie JeebiesHello moon! Now you can stay indoors to gaze at the moon and dream of jumping its craters in your spacesuit from the warmth of your bed. This 3D pr...
View full detailsAir Glider 48cm Foam Plane
Heebie JeebiesThis glider plane is made of very durable, flexible foam for hours and hours of outdoor play. No glue or tape required. It's lightweight and portab...
View full detailsFerromagnetic Fluid DIY Ferro Fluid Experiment
Heebie JeebiesBring STEM learning to life in front of their very eyes! Create your own ferrofluid with this ferromagnetic powder kit. A great gift for kids who w...
View full detailsJellyfish Diver Cartesian Experiment
Heebie JeebiesWhat better way to learn all about buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle than with the Jellyfish Cartesian Diver! Fun and educational, you can perform...
View full detailsFitzroy's Storm Glass Teardrop Shape
Heebie JeebiesDescription The storm glass was popularised by Admiral Robert Fitzroy after his historic voyage on the HMS Beagle. The Teardrop Storm Glass comes w...
View full detailsScribblebot Drawing Machine
Heebie JeebiesThis crazy DIY drawing robot uses vibration and spin generated by a motor to create works of art. Get it to create different designs by adjusting t...
View full detailsGrowing Crystals Test Tube Experiment
Heebie JeebiesDon’t mine crystals, grow them at home! These growing crystals come in a variety of colours and require the simple addition of water to make someth...
View full detailsRevolting Science Petri Dish Grow and Learn About Bacteria
Heebie JeebiesDiscover and grow the yucky bacteria that lurks in our lives. Find what is living in your mouth, grow bugs from your kitchen, is the 20-second rul...
View full detailsWhirlpool Bottle Vortex Valve
Heebie JeebiesLearn all about potential and kinetic energy with this fun whirlpool bottle attachment! All you need is just two empty bottles, and you can explore...
View full detailsClip Circuit Electrolab 80 Electronic Experiments Kit
Heebie Jeebies80 experiments in one? That’s the beauty of the Clip Circuit Electro Lab! No soldering is required making this the perfect way to learn about circu...
View full detailsBinoculars Compact 10x25mm
Heebie JeebiesExperience the world with incredible clarity and detail using our 10x magnification binoculars. Whether you're an avid birdwatcher, sports enthusia...
View full detailsGalileo Thermometer 28cm Heebie Jeebies
Heebie JeebiesThe Galileo Thermometer is an elegant temperature reading device that every science geek needs. It is a sealed glass cylinder that contains clear l...
View full detailsStethoscope Home and Medical
Heebie JeebiesWhether at home or in the practice, this fully functional stethoscope has good sound transmission for listening to the heart, lungs or other organs...
View full detailsHeebie Jeebies Eruptions and Explosions Science Kit
Heebie JeebiesThe Eruptions and Explosions kit is perfect for any budding scientist that loves to get hands on and watch experiments bubble and fizz. Complete 5 ...
View full detailsFitzroy's Storm Glass Cloud Heebie Jeebies
Heebie JeebiesThe Storm Class Cloud is a fun curiosity for the lovers of history, meteorology or science. Learn to discern the weather forecast with the crystals...
View full detailsViscoelastic Slime Test Tube Science Experiment
Heebie JeebiesHave fun with slime! Far from being gross, slime is in fact a law breaker! The police won’t come knocking though: instead slime is non-Newtonian m...
View full detailsPeriodic Table Mug
Heebie JeebiesShow off your love of chemistry and stun your friends with your science knowledge with this Periodic Table Mug. Show off your knowledge, or blame y...
View full detailsHandiScope Hand Microscope Heebie Jeebies
Heebie JeebiesThis hand-held microscope uses ambient light and reflecting mirrors to provide strong 30x magnification with absolutely no batteries required.
Plasma Ball Tesla's Lamp
Heebie JeebiesThis iconic scientific lamp was originally created by Nikola Tesla in 1894, following his experiments with high voltage currents. The plasma ball d...
View full detailsMini Fossil Dig Paleo Kit
Heebie JeebiesIgnite a passion for Palaeontology with this mini fossil dig kit! Uncover what this mini fossil dig has hiding beneath the surface. Use the digging...
View full detailsGalileo Thermometer 56cm Heebie Jeebies
Heebie JeebiesThe Galileo Thermometer is an elegant temperature reading device that every science geek needs. It is a sealed glass cylinder that contains clear l...
View full detailsHeebie Jeebies educational toys Australia has everything a little budding scientist could need to further their development, from microscopes to dinosaurs, discovery toys to sensory slimes and putties. But they don't only deal in kids toys, they also have a fantastic range of science themed apparel and home wares from Galileo thermometers to periodic table Shirts.
Heebie Jeebies Toys cover a wide variety of science related items with puzzles, world globes, bug jars, space telescopes, geeky mugs and Tesla lamps, these cool gadgets and DIY kits are a fun and interactive way to teach kids and adults about science.