Smart Games
Anti Virus Brain Teaser Puzzle
Smart GamesThe Anti Virus puzzle has 60 puzzles ranging in difficulty, you’ll be able to begin learning the ropes and then set challenges that get harder and ...
View full detailsAsteroid Escape Sliding Puzzle Game
Smart GamesAsteroid Escape is a 3D sliding puzzle game where players are challenged to manipulate the playing pieces around the board in order to create an ex...
View full detailsDiamond Quest
Smart GamesEnter the SmartGames diamond mine and dig up all of the jewels and discover the location of the red diamond. Use the ‘mine’ of information offered ...
View full detailsDinosaurs Mystic Islands Game
Smart GamesYou can never have too many puzzles in your life. And this one is even better because it's an island puzzle, so there's no chance of getting stuck...
View full detailsIQ Puzzler Pro
Smart GamesMultiple levels of brain teasing fun! SmartGames new IQ-Puzzler Pro features 120 challenges in three playing modes, including both 2D and 3D challe...
View full detailsSmart Games IQ Fit 120 Challenges
Smart GamesFit all the 3D-puzzle pieces on the game board in such a way that it turns into a (flat) 2D-image.One of the protruding sides of each puzzle piece ...
View full detailsSmart Games IQ Twist Puzzle
Smart GamesTwist your brain with this logic game! Give you brain a spin in the right direction and put all the twisted playing pieces on the game board. It lo...
View full detailsTemple Trap 3d Sliding Maze Puzzle
Smart GamesThe walls are constantly shifting in this unique puzzle game! Arrange the walls and the stairs to create a path through the Temple...but in this m...
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