Virus! The Contagiously Fun Card Game
Alarms go off at the Tranjis Memorial Hospital as the lab interns realise - a bit too late - that the virus storage containers were not as empty as they had thought. In fact, they were full of experimental virus strains that are now rampant throughout the building and only you can stop them.
Your mission is to face the pandemic head on and fight to be the first one to eradicate the viruses by isolating a healthy body and prevent the spreading of terrible diseases.
Ethical or not, any means necessary are valid to achieved your goal. The winner will be lauded with prestigious awards and the losers will have to face the angry health authorities.
Use your cunning to achieve victory while boycotting your rivals' efforts.
Bertrand Russell once said: "The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation". He obviously never played this game.
Virus! is a card game for 2-6 players which in which you will assemble a human body while trying to stop your opponents from infecting, destroying or stealing your organs.